
Stories in wood.

I am a professional carver of wooden marionette puppets, figures, spoons & other kitchenalia.

A road to happy slowness.

I make things from trees. Trees that grow slow. I waste nothing, respect my tools and the materials I carve. I carve slow, mirroring the act of growing towards the light, where satisfaction and completion are arrived at, and the process of living continues in the breeze.


Wooden slöjd puppets.

I became a puppet maker by chance. A love of woodcraft, play and old ways came together when stumbling on the work of Italian Pinocchio maker, Francesco Bartolucci, who gives life to his puppets with simple tools. I picked up my knife and axe, and a piece of wood, and then something magic emerged.


Spoons & kitchenalia.

I’ve often wondered what it is with spoon carving that captures people so easily and delightfully. It’s slow, relatable, doable - yet impossible to master, it brings people together, and gives anyone the power to change humdrum sticks into goods with soul. I make them when at peace, and when I need a good cake shovel!

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