Do come in.

There’s no telling what you may find behind that door. A little scary. A little spooky. Some monsters too. I write Young Adult comic and cosmic horror stories. It’s not the kind of thing you find on a spoon carving and woodcraft website, so here’s your chance to duck out before you poke your head inside. But if you do want to open that creaking door, there may be someone on the other side ready to welcome you in their own particular way.

Why scary stories can fill us all with hope.

I’m an 80s child - oh lucky me - and I lived those halcyon days absorbed in a blissful world of leg warmers, hair gel, horror books and scary movies. This heady cocktail of style and frights gave me power in those formative years because, while I wouldn’t say that Freddy Krueger and Pennywise the clown were my teenage homeboys, the eventual triumphs of the Dream Warriors and other against-the-odds misfits filled me with hope in a scary world full of things I didn’t understand. And that is why now, as a 47 year old wearing hand-knitted socks that more than remind me of my leg warmers, I still love and write these stories for a new age of misfits and young adults: because now, more than ever, we need all the hope we can get, and yup, I still live in a world that confuses the shit out of me. So to be scared is to hope, that the good guys will always win.


“My stories in words and wood are my imagination engines; they gee-up each other like kids on a dare. Imagination to me is beyond precious, it’s the golden gateway to what can be, instead of a well-trodden road to what should be. It’s why my work is forever prone to shifting directions at any moment, because to imagine is to be free to travel by magical feathered moon rockets in any direction at any given time.”